

Writing Sample: Passion for Traveling

What is the one thing that takes you away from your work desk and provides absolute pleasure? If you said ice-cream, you are wrong. Think about this: flying first class on an airplane that takes you miles away from home and lands you in paradise. Whatever your paradise may be, be assured there is amazing food, comfortable beds and plenty of time for relaxation.

Throughout my lifetime, traveling has been a big part of my life, and I would never trade the experiences I had for anything. Exploring new places opens up a world of exciting experiences and did I say, good food?

When deciding to go somewhere on vacation, the first thing to do is research. A smart traveler does not simply hop on a plane or car and expect to have a successful vacation. I spend time searching for lodging, attractions, places to eat and the culture of the destination. Even though there are things that go wrong on vacation, at least you are prepared.

The most exciting vacation I took was a cruise to the Western Caribbean back in 2009. It was fantastic! Everything was planned out well, the food was delightful and weather perfect. I relaxed on a white beach with turquoise waters and swam with stingrays. How can that get any better?

Your paradise doesn't need to have palm trees and pristine beaches. About 5 years ago, I took a trip to New York City at Christmas time with my aunt. Talk about fun! The city is constantly alive and there is always something to do. Even though I had a full schedule of getting lost in the city, it was relaxing. What a paradise!

Whatever your paradise is, take a vacation. It is worth taking 2 weeks off from work and getting away; out of your comfort zone. Yes, things can go wrong, but make the most of it. You're on vacation! If you miss your flight, enjoy a Starbucks latte while waiting on the next plane.

Traveling to new places exposes you to experiences you'll never forget. I can talk in detail about a trip I took 5 years ago, but I couldn't tell you what I received for my last birthday.

There are so many places out there waiting for you to explore. Take the time to escape the world of work and experience your own paradise.

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